// @topic S-0314-09-02-10 C++ template class demo I
// @brief Program demonstarting C++ templates

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>

template < char SpaceChar = ' ' > class SpacePolicy {
    static char get_space()
        return SpaceChar;

template < typename SpacePolicyT = SpacePolicy<> > class Parser {
    std::string m_text;
    Parser( std::string text )
        m_text = text;

    int parse()
        int count = std::count( m_text.begin(), m_text.end(), SpacePolicyT::get_space() );
        return count;
};//class Parser

int main()
    for (;;) {
        std::cout << "Enter text to count spaces or x to exit: ";
        std::string user_input;
        std::getline( std::cin, user_input ); // read line of text
        if ( user_input == "x" ) {
        //Parser< SpacePolicy< '_' > > parser( user_input );
        Parser<> parser( user_input );
        std::cout << parser.parse() << " spaces found." << '\n';

    //std::cout << "Enter x to exit: ";
    //char pause;
    //std::cin >> pause;
    return 0;