Java Programming II on YouTube:
String, StringBuilder, StringBuffer
- Character Data Manipulation
- Character class
- Character class methods
- Using Strings
- Class String
- Class String, cont.
- Comparing Strings, ==
- Comparing Strings, equals( )
- Comparing Strings, equalsIgnoreCase( )
- compareTo( ) method
- An empty String
- References to Strings
- String from array of chars
- String from array of bytes
- String methods
- toUpperCase( ) and toLowerCase( ) methods
- length( ) method
- indexOf( ) method
- charAt( ) method
- startsWith( ) method
- endsWith( ) method
- replace( ) method
- Java API toString( ) methods
- trim( ), indexOf( ), substring( ) example
- String Concatenation
- substring( ) method
- Parse address example
- String concatenation example
- String charAt( ) and concatenation example
- String compareToIgnoreCase( ) example
- String isEmpty( ) example
- String limitations
- StringBuilder, StringBuffer classes
- StringBuffer class
- StringBuilder class
- Creating StringBuilder object
- StringBuilder memory buffer
- Common StringBuilder methods
- StringBuilder append( ) example
- StringBuilder insert( ) example
- StringBuilder deleteCharAt( ) example
- StringBuilder substring( ) example
- Automatic growth of StringBuilder capacity
- StringBuilder length( ), setLength( ), capacity( ) methods
- StringBuilder equals( ) method