Java Programming I on YouTube:

Java Collections and Generics

  1. How arrays and collections are similar
  2. How arrays and collections differ
  3. Code that uses an array
  4. Code that uses a collection
  5. The collection framework
  6. Collection interfaces
  7. Traversing Collections
  8. Iterators
  9. The Iterator interface
  10. Common collection classes
  11. The syntax for specifying the type of elements in a collection
  12. Example of Java Generic Class
  13. A statement that creates an array list of type String
  14. A statement that creates an array list of integers
  15. Code that creates a linked list of type Product
  16. The syntax for using type inference with JDK 1.7 or later
  17. A statement that creates an array list of type String
  18. The syntax for declaring a class that uses generic types
  19. A class statement for a class that implements a queue
  20. The ArrayList class
  21. Constructors of the ArrayList class
  22. Common methods of the ArrayList class
  23. Code that uses an array list of type String
  24. Another way to display the contents of a collection
  25. Code that replaces and deletes objects
  26. Code that uses an array list of type Integer
  27. List Processing
  28. The LinkedList class
  29. A constructor for the LinkedList class
  30. Common methods of the LinkedList class
  31. Code that creates a linked list of type String
  32. Code that adds elements to the beginning and end of the list
  33. Code that uses an enhanced for loop to process the list
  34. Code that retrieves the first and last elements of the list
  35. Search Algorithms
  36. Search Algorithms, cont.
  37. Selection Sort
  38. Selection Sort Algorithm
  39. Selection Sort Implementation
  40. Selection Sort Complexity
  41. Insertion Sort Algorithm
  42. Insertion Sort Implementation
  43. Insertion Sort Complexity
  44. Binary Search Algorithm
  45. Binary Search Algorithm Example
  46. Binary Search Implementation
  47. Binary Search in Sorted Container
  48. Basic methods of a class that implements a generic queue
  49. Code for a GenericQueue class that implements a queue
  50. Code that uses the GenericQueue class
  51. The HashMap and TreeMap classes
  52. Common methods of the HashMap and TreeMap classes
  53. Common methods of the HashMap and TreeMap classes
  54. Code that uses a hash map
  55. Code that uses a tree map
  56. Legacy collection classes
  57. Code that uses a vector
  58. Code that stores strings in an untyped array list
  59. Wrapper classes for primitive types

1. How arrays and collections are similar

2. How arrays and collections differ

3. Code that uses an array

4. Code that uses a collection

5. The collection framework

6. Collection interfaces

7. Traversing Collections

8. Iterators

9. The Iterator interface

10. Common collection classes

11. The syntax for specifying the type of elements in a collection

12. Example of Java Generic Class

13. A statement that creates an array list of type String

14. A statement that creates an array list of integers

15. Code that creates a linked list of type Product

16. The syntax for using type inference with JDK 1.7 or later

17. A statement that creates an array list of type String

18. The syntax for declaring a class that uses generic types

19. A class statement for a class that implements a queue

20. The ArrayList class

21. Constructors of the ArrayList class

22. Common methods of the ArrayList class

  • add(object)

  • add(index, object)

  • clear()

  • contains(object)

  • get(index)

  • indexOf(object)

  • isEmpty()

  • remove(index)

  • remove(object)

  • set(index, object)

  • size()

  • toArray()

23. Code that uses an array list of type String

24. Another way to display the contents of a collection

25. Code that replaces and deletes objects

26. Code that uses an array list of type Integer

27. List Processing

28. The LinkedList class

29. A constructor for the LinkedList class

30. Common methods of the LinkedList class

  • add(object)

  • add(index, object)

  • addFirst(object)

  • addLast(object)

  • clear()

  • contains(object)

  • get(index)

  • getFirst()

  • getLast()

  • indexOf(object)

  • peek()

  • offer(object)

  • poll()

  • remove()

  • remove(index)

  • remove(object)

  • removeFirst()

  • removeLast()

  • set(index, object)

  • size()

  • toArray()

31. Code that creates a linked list of type String

32. Code that adds elements to the beginning and end of the list

33. Code that uses an enhanced for loop to process the list

34. Code that retrieves the first and last elements of the list

35. Search Algorithms

36. Search Algorithms, cont.

37. Selection Sort

  1. List is sorted by selecting list element and moving it to its proper position

  2. Algorithm finds position of smallest element and moves it to top of unsorted portion of list

  3. Repeats process above until entire list is sorted


38. Selection Sort Algorithm

39. Selection Sort Implementation

40. Selection Sort Complexity

41. Insertion Sort Algorithm

42. Insertion Sort Implementation

43. Insertion Sort Complexity

44. Binary Search Algorithm

45. Binary Search Algorithm Example

46. Binary Search Implementation

47. Binary Search in Sorted Container

48. Basic methods of a class that implements a generic queue

49. Code for a GenericQueue class that implements a queue

50. Code that uses the GenericQueue class

51. The HashMap and TreeMap classes

52. Common methods of the HashMap and TreeMap classes

53. Common methods of the HashMap and TreeMap classes

54. Code that uses a hash map

55. Code that uses a tree map

56. Legacy collection classes

57. Code that uses a vector

58. Code that stores strings in an untyped array list

59. Wrapper classes for primitive types